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Do this, go here, be that. With the hectic lives we live and time slipping away trying to balance work and the social calendars, it’s always a relief to catch some “me time” isn’t it? Creating motivation may be a challenge, yet maybe switching from your work email app to “My Personal Coach” is your answer. We talked to West Coast dynamo Angella Nazarian (photographed), about her new app where you can get help from technology to stay on track while achieving your goals.

Created by bestselling author and former professor of psychology, Nazarian understands that pressure can be a powerful as poison to our meaningful lives. Her solution for us is an app that creates customized growth plan based on the five areas of life that determine our success, priorities, strengths, thoughts, relationships and the environment. How cool is that?

For those who are tech savvy, your iPhone will give you the support you need by configuring your strengths and challenge you to test your own natural talents. The app is built on fun survey based on the research of Gallup, Meyers-Briggs and Keirsey, and is the first step in finding who you are and the personality traits you possess.

My Personal Coach motivates you within the five core arenas of self-development and gives you the option to set calendar reminders or alerts to view progress. This worry free app is made for you live life to your fullest potential, even if your week is filled to the minute. Packed with inspirational quotes and encouragement, it’s there for you when you need it.

While most of you have your smartphones tied to your side, go ahead and download My Personal Coach from iTunes for $1.99. To use the app, you can create an account using your email or Facebook account. For more information about Angella Nazarian, visit