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Here’s a great idea: collect more. Especially, art. There’s no better place to do that this week than at the AMOA ArtHouse 5 X 7 Splurge and Social events…

5 x 7 Splurge is Thursday, April 4 from 7–10pm at The Jones Center.

Of course, as always, you’ll find more than 1,000 original works of art for purchase created by emerging and established contemporary artists.They are all 5 X 7 pieces, so no need to ship what you buy.

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All the art is presented anonymously, so who knows, you might end up with a Julie Speed or hundreds of other wildly talented collectible artists on display. Music will be provided by DJ Dan Gentile.

The sale begins at 8:30pm when the whistle blows, so it’s every collector for himself. You likely know that the Five x Seven artworks are an affordable $150 per board ($100 for AMOA-Arthouse members) and that all Five x Seven proceeds support AMOA-Arthouse exhibitions and public programs.

For tickets and info on this event, as well as Social on Fri. April 5, visit