If you’ve surfed with your television remote recently, you’ve most likely seen handsome channel-stopper Jason Feinberg, the newest thing to hit Hollywood. He left Austin for Los Angeles on a leap of faith with a heap of talent, and is now in the driver’s seat with a white-hot career as the entertainment’s industry’s most likeable TV journalist. When we met up for lunch in Manhattan Beach, the day after the Emmy Awards, his Emmy feature happened to be running on TV, so lunch was delayed while we watched the master at work. After that, Jason opened up about his great life in Hollywood.
Lance Avery Morgan: I recently saw you really working it on the red carpet when I attended the Emmy Awards. Is life one big red carpet moment for you now?
Jason Feinberg: When I came here, I cashed in the 401K because I believed I could make it here. It hit me one morning while I was on the air in Austin. I had this weird feeling that this was going to be the Year of Jason. My contract ended and I moved here. It’s been a lesson in patience in getting to this point. And yes, I spend a lot of time on the red carpet.
LAM: What was your first big story score at E!?
JF: It had to be my first story the Monday after the weekend the 8 Mile movie was such a big hit. It was a huge phenomenon to be reporting.
LAM: What was your most embarrassing red carpet moment?
JF: It has to be when I mistakenly introduced Shania Twain to our viewers in an American Music Awards segment as “Shania Feinberg”. Of course, we were on the air live. I also asked her the same question I was asking everyone else that night: ‘Who’s hotter: Shania Twain or Faith Hill’? She said that to be in the same category as Faith Hill was an honor to her. She’s that great to say something like that. It put me on the map at E! They understood I was the guy who could wing it.
LAM: So, your Freudian slip was showing.
JL: Are you kidding? All the time. I like being goofy with the celebs – it puts them at ease and they show their human side more, too.