Todd Romano’s sitting pretty atop the design world these days. With clients in New York, Texas and across the world, why wouldn’t he be? Here, in an exclusive to Brilliant, Romano reveals his tricks of the trade, his Texas roots and how the client-decorator relationship can be both nurturing and healing… often with amazingly dramatic results.
Let’s face it, the perfection business can be grueling. When you only want the best for your clients and anything within eyesight, perfection is, without a doubt, a 24/7 job. Enter: Todd Romano, the mix master of perfection. Manhattan resident and San Antonio native, Romano attributes his extensive generational Texas roots to the incessant need to create the perfect room, the perfect house, and ultimately, the perfect life. “I was really lucky to be brought up in a house where travel, reading and the decorative arts and culture were all very important facets of the world.” Over a recent long and leisurely lunch on the patio of the Argyle Club in San Antonio, Romano revealed a career’s worth of insight to the creative process.
Most of the great designers realize the importance of their relationship with the client. Like any alliance, whether it is with a good hair stylist, mechanic, lawyer or doctor, trust is key. The designer, technically hired to remedy a challenged living situation, often plays the role of a therapist. How does that make you feel? When you walk into an environment, what senses are stirred? What childhood memories are affecting you right now that you may or may not like? And so on, leading both designing-healer and client-patient to walk hand-in-hand through many situations for the most effective, long lasting outcome. Sound intense? Maybe for some. Certainly not if you are Todd Romano.