World Movie Premiere Captivates State
Deep in the heart of San Antonio, the stars shined bright at Buena Vista’s The Alamo world movie premiere at the Majestic Theater, where the action-packed film starring Dennis Quaid, Billy Bob Thornton, Jason Patric, and Patrick Wilson was the biggest party of the season. Guests were greeted at the yellow (instead of red) VIP carpet with Brilliant-sponsored yellow roses given by Brilliant Babes who were completely outfitted in clothing supplied by Banana Republic and Cavender’s Boot City Northstar. After walking by hundreds of international press representatives, guests were ushered into the movie theater where an orchestra played grand Texas-themed songs before the film. The post-premiere party on the Alamo Plaza was where guests mingled with not only the stars of the film, but also such Texas notables as syndicated columnist Liz Smith, legendary MPAA chief Jack Valenti, and Texas Film Commission director Tom Copeland. Favorite Texans now in New York like John Danielson and Iris Jones also attended the memorable evening. Brilliant will never forget the evening celebrating The Alamo.