“We were all movie stars that night,” enthused Margaret Krasovec, a guest at the lavish Hollywood-style dinner party recently hosted by Houston’s Becca and John Thrash. Honoring Brilliant magazine publisher Lance Avery Morgan for his birthday, the event was something that everyone will remember for quite awhile. Think interior poolside seating for the stunningly black tie-attired guests. Add Versace tableware and over 60 dozen white roses around the contemporary villa. Mix in 50 guests from coast to coast who are making a difference in the world. The result? A sophisticated dinner party even Noel Coward might envy. Champagne was sipped while toasts were made and dancing went on into the wee hours of the morning after the gorgeous meal. Of course. It was a Thrash Bash and no one expected less than perfection. Around here we lift our glass to the Thrashes anytime we can. And that’s often.

What a Swell Party It Was
Lance Avery Morgan